Many people associate the image of cannabis with negative social images. The word “drug”, for the most part, can be frightening because it is often associated with addiction, drug addiction, or marginality. One question that is frequently asked by new cannabis users is: Can CBD consumption make you addicted to cannabis?
It is crucial to define dependence as both physical and psychological in order to answer these questions. According to WHO (World Health Organization), addiction syndrome refers to “a group of behavioral, cognitive, and physiological phenomena in the context of which the use or combination of psychoactive substances causes a progressive disinvestment from other activities.”
Psychological dependence or psychological dependence refers to the uncontrolled intake of alcohol or psychoactive substances. Physiological dependence or physical dependence is concerned with tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. ”
What is Cannabis Addiction?
It is important to distinguish between CBD addiction and cannabis addiction. The plant is home to more than 100 different molecules, including phytocannabinoids as well as terpenes and flavonoids. CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many phytocannabinoids, along with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBG (cannabigerol). Only THC has adaptogenic potential.
THC is a neurotransmitter that acts on the reward-motivation circuit. This is due to THC’s increased levels in the mesolimbic course dopamine. This adaptogenic potential has been scientifically assessed by the NERSC study. (Ireland 2011, 8.9%). This classification also shows that tobacco poses a risk at 67.5%, and alcohol at 22.7%.
Dependence is also related to the mode of consumption. The most popular mode of consumption (1.4 million out 1.5 million regular users, i.e. 1-10 times per month), and the consumption of cannabis flowers with tobacco. (1.3 million). It is not surprising that many of these people have a problem with cannabis dependence, as tobacco is addictive. It is more closely linked to cannabis than tobacco.
E-cigarettes, also known as E-Cigarettes and can be found at Cloudstix. They can help to reduce cannabis dependence.
Reduced or complete stoppage of tobacco use would therefore greatly reduce cannabis dependence.
Quantity is also closely linked to dependence on cannabis. Addiction is more likely to develop if there is excessive consumption. The age at which the first consumption occurred (the age at which the person used the item for the first time) can also impact whether an individual develops an addiction. The first-time intake before brain development ends would increase the likelihood of developing dependence. This is eight times more than the rate for first-time use after brain development.
CBD doesn’t make you dependent, on the opposite
CBD is not addictive, as it does not alter dopamine levels. It can, however, be very useful in the treatment and prevention of addictions. It could be used to treat cravings and hallucinations. A craving is an irrepressible desire to consume a substance. CBD could reduce cravings for addictive substances like tobacco and alcohol …), and therefore limit the risk of relapse.
CBD colombia is safe and does not pose a risk of addiction when consumed without THC or tobacco combustion. It may even be helpful in treating addictive behavior and withdrawal.